Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Page 27 

The fall of the church then began when they fell under the sway of the Jews and their Babylonian Talmudic religion and money/media empire and into Judea-Christianity which is where most of them are today. 
Ezekiel 39:26-29 "After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid. v27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; v28 Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. v29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD."
The 'land' in verses 26 and 28 is interpreted to be in the Church, which is not a building or organization but is made up of the believers in Jesus Christ. However, they are looking for a piece of land rather than that which is spiritual. In the book of Hebrews, Apostle Paul interprets the 'land' to be symbolic. Paul stated that Abraham who was the first one given the 'promise of the land', lived in the literal land as though he were in a 'foreign country'. (Hebrews 9:11). Why? It is because Abraham was not looking for a physical land but rather for a heavenly or spiritual land. Paul provides us an example in saying "declare plainly that they seek a better country...that is an heavenly country, wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He hath prepared for them a city...which has foundations whose builder and maker is God". (Hebrews 11:9,10, 14-16).  Our spiritual Father is in heaven which is the Trinity - Our spiritual Mother is spiritual and heavenly Zion, New Jerusalem wherein Jesus Christ is the King of Judah (Jews) and those of us 'born again' are HIS inheritance as spiritual Jews.  We are told that our enemies will worship at our feet. This occurs because we will be with Jesus in spiritual and heavenly New Zion. They will worship Jesus and we will be with him; above our enemies.
This is the land where we will 'inherit all things'; where we become 'children of God' 'for we shall inherit the earth and the kingdom of heaven'. (Matthew 5:3,5,9)
At the time of the revelation of God, when He destroys Gog is when they shall know that God/Jesus is the Lord. Ezekiel 39

Today, the daughter of Tarshish is the United States and Tarshish is England.  Babylonian Harlot is natural Israel; counterfeit Jews 50%+/- of whom live in the USA which is the daughter of Babylon (spiritual).  How has the world now drunk of the cup?  It has been through entertainment of all kinds and technology which has now caused nearly every nation to drink from the cup of fornication. It is the reliance upon other nations rather than God alone. The House of Israel fornicated with Assyria. The House of Judah fornicated with Assyria, Egypt and Babylon. Who owns the six corporations of all kinds of media? It is the counterfeit Jews.  Wake up to see the truth brothers and sisters. The fornication of the cup is that ALL nations have become spiritual Babylon; drinking from the cup which is entertainment, technology, central banks (owned by the Edomite/ashkeNAZI Jews), major corporations (merchants in the bible). One would have to be blind and deaf not to see how all countries have become so much alike with all of these things.
Remember that the Jews were only of three tribes; Judah, Benjamin and some of Levi, and we learn in this verse: James 1:1 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the TWELVE tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."; that all twelve tribes have been scattered by God to the four corners of the world.
      In Jeremiah 51:19-25 the Lord will use His People Jacob which are the Christians to break in pieces.  The destroying mountain (kingdom) is made up of those who currently inhabit Mount Zion/Jerusalem.  Study Jeremiah 50 and 51 along with Isaiah 13 and tie them together with the chapters of Revelation focusing on key words; precept (commandment) upon precept, line (connecting OT with NT) upon line. You will find that God will use 'His People Israel' (Christians) to break in pieces many people(s).
Thank you for your time in reading this important blog and it is the prayer of this author that you see the truth of the lies and propaganda being perpetrated upon the world. In Luke 8:17 and Matthew 10:26 we learn that ALL of the truth will be revealed before the time of the tribulation. We are witnessing that prophecy being fulfilled today. Soon, all of the wickedness that has been going on right under our noses will be revealed. Pray that the Lord forgive us for allowing ourselves to be entertained into a deep sleep while 'they' moved in peacefully and deceitfully in an attempt to destroy all of the rights which God has given to us. Jesus took the kingdom from the Jews in Matthew 21:43 - He made eight judgments against the Jews in Matthew 15, He cast out the Jews in Matthew 23 and in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus called out the Jews as liars and the synaGOGue of Satan.  Consider how they entered into Russia in 1917 as ashkeNAZI Jews and who were behind the creation of the Bolsheviks.  It was Chief Rabbi, Stephen S Wise who, in the 1930's said: "Some call it Marxism, but I call it Judaism".  They also entered into Palestine in 1917 where they ravished the women and stole the lands and homes and in both Russia and Palestine, they exterminated tens of millions of Christians.
When you read the prophets, do so now with spiritual eyes knowing that when they speak of Israel in the future, they are speaking of the chosen ones, the Christians who are also the Outcasts, and is NOT speaking of the imposters in the natural land of Israel for we know now that which is natural is first and last is that which is spiritual.

(Romans 2:28-29) "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: {29} But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."   

(Romans 8:9) "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

Everything to come in the last days is spiritually speaking.  Reread 1 Corinthians 15:46 wherein it clearly states "First that which is natural" (natural children of Israel, natural Jews in the natural Land of Israel) "Last that which is spiritual" (spiritual children of Israel, spiritual Jews, spiritual Land of Israel and chosen ones are Christians). Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Babylon because ALL nations have drunk from the cup of fornication. Every nation having entertainment, technology (inventions God hates), major corporations, central banks and all else in this modern day. See Jeremiah 51:7, Jeremiah 25:16, Revelation 14:8, 18:3.

Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Amos 3:6 "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" So, you see, this is the time of the last which is spiritual. See also: Romans 4:16-17, 5:9, Psalm 132:13-17 Psalm 48:1-2 Zion, New Jerusalem, Our Mother is spiritual. Hebrews 9:1, 11:15-16, 12:22 Revelation 3:12, 21:2 Ephesians 2:6 2Timothy 4:18  Psalm 78:68 125:1 Isaiah 8:18  The Lord tells us that our enemies shall worship at our feet; perhaps that is due to the fact that New Jerusalem, Mount Zion is heavenly; Jesus will be worshiped and we shall be forever with the Lord Jesus which means that those on earth will worship at our feet.

It is God Himself whom controls all things; both good and evil. Daniel 4:17 tells us that God controls the kingdom of men. We are all given 'free will' to choose which will guide our steps; good or evil.  That's what this life is all about. God does not judge with His eyes or ears but what lies within one's heart. When we are 'born again' God dwells in black darkness, the temple of God, which is our heart.

Don't allow others to cause you to believe you will fly away before the tribulation comes for we know from scriptures that the Christians will be 'sifted' and 'chastised' during that time because many have fallen away chasing after false doctrines of devils which is why we are told in Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13 'my people are destroyed (perish) for their lack of knowledge'.  Clearly, in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 it is at the 7th Trump[et] when Jesus comes for His bride, the body of the church. There are many other verses to verify that and I will be all too happy to share to those who request same.  God bless you for taking the time to read and may the Lord God continue to watch over, guide, bless and protect you always. 
To learn more about the truth of the scriptures wherein there are no errors which is a lie caused by our adversaries, study one word at a time, looking up every single verse containing said word which allows scripture to interpret scripture. Don't just rely on man to teach you the truth for, in reality, the Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth in the King James Bible.  It is ALL there, lying within the pages of the King James Bible, dear Saints.
I have completed the blog regarding the coming Son of Perdition and is now available to read here: Coming Son of Perdition:
God bless you all.
I have been shadow banned in nearly every social media today because Satan hates the truth of the bible to be told. So, I will post here what is really to come. Things will become so bad that people of the world will cry out for a savior and a savior will come, but it will be the MAN of sin.
  Revelation 18:23 "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom (Jesus Christ) and of the bride (body of the church of the born again Saints) shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."    The sorceries mentioned here is far more than just drug addiction and the like.  It also involves TV "Programming" which brainwashes and indoctrinates the mind(s) of those who refuse to search for the truth and that truth is found only in one place - the King James Bible for ALL we need to know about how we have been living in the New World Order since the 40's lies within its pages. John 17:17 "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." The 'merchants' mentioned are, in fact, the major corporations who have taken control of all that goes on in this fallen world. The Act of 1871 made DC a corporation of, for and by corporations which was the beginning of the time when, we, the American people lost our voice in OUR government. The Daughter of Babylon, that GREAT CITY, which deceived the whole earth is, in fact, Jerusalem, which has been using the USA to pour out the cup of fornication unto ALL nations. Read the book: "The Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbot to see just how they have infiltrated OUR government and have completely removed the voice of the people and have nearly taken away all of our God-given rights.  
     TVs, and computers/smartphones are known in the occult world as 'black mirrors' for spirit(s) can inhabit and move freely through them; they are the "Ghost in the Machine"; a title of an album by the rock band, The Police, in the 60's. How did they know to title their album with such a title?  It was by 'inspiration' of devils. Those of us who are saved by grace get our inspiration from the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 29:16 we learn how Satan/Gog turns everything Jesus does 'upside down'.  Jesus prayed the prayer of intercession, asking the Father to allow those given to Jesus to become 'ONE' with the trinity. In Isaiah 14:12-14 we learn how Satan has a five point plan to usurp the 'church', which he has done, and his intention to become "like the Most High [God]"; all knowing.  The technology we have today has allowed Satan and his minions to become 'all knowing'.  Every keystroke, every voice print, every transaction, every purchase, and nearly our every movement is being tracked via technology.  The MAN of sin, the Son of Perdition (damnation) will be revealed on all black mirrors which are, in fact, the 'image of the beast (kingdom)' for they both speak and live.  Revelation 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming UP out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."  Those two horns (powers) are the opposite of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, inasmuch as the MAN of sin will be possessed by Satan who, at long last, will be able to rule the world with his "Hive Mind" via technology causing the heathen to become "ONE" with him via technology; the last coming implant IN the right hand.  
     In 1 Corinthian 15:46 we learn this: "First that which is natural - Last that which is spiritual".  Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel.  Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq.  Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel, the inheritance of Jesus Christ and the Chosen Ones are born again Christians. Spiritual Babylon is ALL nations because of their 'fornication' (Jer 51:7 Rev. 14:8 18:3).  When God spoke in the O.T. of the Israelites fornicating as a nation, it was their sin to go to other nations for their needs, whatever those needs may have been.  Today, ALL nations have become Babylon inasmuch as they all rely upon each other for their needs, whatever they may be, and for all becoming one like another via entertainment, technology, major corporations, military, central banks etc.  Why are 'they' so adamant that those of the poorest nations all own and use smartphones? It is because smartphones are the 'image of the beast (kingdom)" upon which the MAN of sin will be revealed. He will be the complete opposite (upside down) of Jesus Christ. He will be extremely handsome and charismatic, almost supernatural in appearance, pulling people to him. In Isaiah 53 we learn that Jesus was not 'comely' nor did He have any 'beauty' of body or face.  He was reviled and rejected.  If you want to read the truth about how Satan/GOG and his horde of imposters began their march against humanity beginning in November 1917 with the creation of their wealth and how they have caused all wars beginning with WW1 it all lies within the pages of Ezekiel 38 and 39.
     I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. In this link: it explains in detail all about Ezekiel 38 and 39; two of the most misunderstood books of the bible.
  May the Lord God continue to bless all of those who have been saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. I pray for the lost souls of the world; often in weeping.  Take heart, a great revival will come and many will be saved.
     Please, if you feel moved to do so, share this blog with others. Thank you very much.
The death of the Khazarians aka ashkeNAZI Edomite Flesh Jews and their "useful idiots" aka Lovers.
They are the descendants of Ashkenaz which is why they are named the Edomite-ashkeNAZI Flesh Jews.
I have written about them long ago to wake up the people of the world to understand that it is they also who are the 'woman' of Revelation 17 and 18; the Babylonian Harlot and Abominations of the Earth who hold the golden cup of fornication, using the USA to pour out said cup to all other nations which has now caused ALL nations to become spiritual Babylon. 1 Cor 15:46 First is Natural - Last is spiritual (after the resurrection of Jesus Christ). Natural Babylon, Shinar Iraq - Spiritual Babylon = ALL nations. What is the cup of fornication? It is the reliance upon other nations rather than upon God alone. The House of Israel was given, by God, captive to Assyria in 722 BC for their fornication with Assyria. The House of Judah, was more wicked than the House of Israel. Judah fornicated with Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. God then gave the House of Judah captive to Babylon in 586 BC for 70 years. In 126AD, Judah defeated Edom and allowed Edom to remain as long as Edomites lived by the Jews laws and the men were circumcised. This is how the Jews mingled their seed with the seed of Edom and how, over generations, the bloodline of the Hebrews became corrupt. Ezekiel 35:10 "Because thou (Edomites) have said these two nations (House of Israel and House of Judah) shall be mine and we will possess it: whereas the Lord was there." Ezekiel 35:11 "I will make myself known among them (Christians) when I have judge thee (Flesh Jews)." Ezekiel 35:12 "I have heard thy blasphemies, thou (Flesh Jews) hast spoken against the mountains (kingdoms) of Israel (Christians)." Ezekiel 35:13 "With your (Flesh Jews) mouth, you have boasted against me (Jesus) and have multiplied your words against me: I have heard them." Ezekiel 35:14 "When the whole world rejoices (soon - Flesh Jews defeated worldwide along with their 'Useful Idiots' (lovers in the bible), I will make thee (Jerusalem aka Sodom and Egypt (rev 11:8), Edom/Idumea/Seir) desolate."
ECC 3:15 God requires the past to repeat - Jerusalem was destroyed by fire by Babylon 586BC and will be destroyed by fire again. Ezekiel 35:15 "And thou (Flesh Jews) didst rejoice at the inheritance of the House of Israel, because it was desolate, so will I do unto thee, O Mount Seir, and Idumea, even all of it and they (Christians) shall know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 36:2 "The enemy (GOG leading Flesh Jews) hath said against you (Christians) aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession." Ezekiel 36:5 "In the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea (Flesh Edomite Jews) which have APPOINTED MY LAND INTO THEIR POSSESSION (Jerusalem, Israel) with the joy of all their hearth with despiteful minds to cast it out for prey." Ezekiel 36:7 "The Heathen (ungodly) that are about you, they shall bear their shame." (Flesh Jews, Useful idiots/Lovers). Isaiah 34:5 "For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: Behold, it shall come down upon Idumea (Jerusalem, Israel), and the people of my curse, to judgment." Isaiah 34:6 "The Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea." (Bozrah means sheepfold to be cut-off, clipped, just as the Lord will do to Idumea). Isaiah 36:8 "For it is the Day of the Lord's vengeance and the year of recompenses for the controversy (adversary) of Zion (spiritual and heavenly, New Jerusalem Our Mother). Isaiah 27:10 "Yet the defenced city shall be desolate, and the habitation forsaken, and left like a wilderness.." Jerusalem, the most fortified city in the world.
Amos 9:11-12 "In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David (body of the church of Jesus Christ) that has fallen, and close up the breaches thereof: and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (before the flood and before the evil angels took control of the Garden of God as told in Ezkiel 31. Satan was Pharaoh which means, 'god of the dead')." "That they may possess the remnant of Edom (Flesh Jews), and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the Lord that doeth this."  The Day of Christ occurs at the 7th Trumpet which is also at the time between the 5th and 6th Seal which is when Jesus Himself comes for the body of the church of the born-again Christians; His first coming after His resurrection. The Day of the Lord is the day when Jesus sends His angels to gather the remnant of the body of the church at the sound of the Great Trumpet. Isaiah 11:11 "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the SECOND TIME to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea."  Jesus is a man of war, Exodus 15:3. The Lord used the Hebrews, Children of Israel, His host, to battle against the Canaanites who were cursed by Noah. It is the day when Jesus does away with all evil is the time when He comes with the Saints riding on White Horses, Jesus' Host in the spiritual.  (Luke 12:36) "And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the WEDDING (of the body of the church); that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately." The souls of men are referred to as 'her'. (Psalms 34:2) "My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad." This is why Jesus, the Bridegroom, will marry the souls of the Saints in the wedding.
At the second coming is of the Husbandman sending His angels to gather the remnant of those born-again during Great Tribulation and those who were martyred for His name's sake during Great Tribulation. Jeremiah 51:19-32 Jesus uses His people Israel (born-again Saints riding on white horses) to break in pieces the wicked - it names just who they will be. Daniel 4:17 tells us that it is God alone who controls the kingdom of men. God can have anyone do anything at any given time. For more information about how the Flesh Jews became the wicked of old and how they created the Bolsheviks and Nazis, read my blog: The 12 Tribes of Israel were all scattered to the four corners of the world; James 1:1. Nowhere in the bible are we told that the Natural Children of Israel would ever again gather in the Natural Land of Israel. Why? It is because they are NOT a semitic people, Hebrew bloodline. Shem is the father of the Hebrews and they are of Japheth, not Shem. (Ezekiel 16:36-37) "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;  {37} Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness."  Nakedness is the revealing of the sins against God. The 'Lovers' of the Flesh Edomite Jews are those in other governments of nations who had been bribed and/or blackmailed to do the deeds of the Flesh Jews. These lovers have infiltrated (not invasion) every facet of our lives including Christian churches where many pastors today preach doctrines of devils out of the Talmud, the book of the curse of the world in Zechariah chapter five. 
After the capture and imprisonment/execution of these wicked people of Flesh Jews and their Lovers is over, a man will stand up to say that it is he who has been leading the way, claiming to be the messiah and this is the deception that will be played on the ignorant of the world. Their ignorance is of the King James Bible. Those who know God's Word and Watch as commanded by Jesus Christ can see how God's hand is at work to fulfill the scriptures and prophecy in God's Word which is Jesus Christ; Revelation 19:13.

How will we know when the Day of Deception arrives and how will we recognize it?  (Isaiah 23:13) "Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin."
The Chaldeans are the sorcerers of Revelation 9:21 and 18:23 and they are the Edomite-ashkeNAZI Flesh Jews of today who are worldwide in the wilderness.  The Assyrian, as shown in prior pages, is Satan/GOG. It has been Satan/GOG who led this horde of imposters against humanity beginning in November 1917 when they entered into Russia (creating the Bolsheviks) and into Palestine (where they ravished the women, stole homes and lands that had been in their families for generations and who had caused the desert to bloom) and where, in both countries, they exterminated tens of millions of Christians. They have been controlling the people of this world since then with their Cental Banks and all major corporations (merchants) and have infiltrated nearly every single government in the world and thus, with their laws, control the people.  Now, we are watching each day as, little by little, these same wicked people are people destroyed before our eyes. We see President Putin destroy the Nazi strongholds in Ukraine along with many bio-labs which have been used in creating plagues and pestilence such as SARS, and Ebola and then created the 'vaccines' to cure people when it is the vaccines which have caused health problems and autism. In the background is one man who came up with the plan to destroy the current world power of the synaGOGue of Satan. He will be revealed, one day, as the Christian Messiah. The MAN of Sin will be possessed by Satan, thus, 'two horns (kings) of a Lamb' (pretending to be Christian). He will share the spoils of this current war with the small people (poor and middle class). He has shared his plans with the people (Trust the Plan). He will create world prosperity. He will create world peace, THEN, Sudden Destruction (1 Thes 2:3). (Daniel 8:25) "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by PEACE shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."  The Prince of Princes is, of course, Jesus Christ and this final destruction of the MAN of Sin possessed by Satan/GOG will occur in Ezekiel 39 which is the Day of the Lord in Great Tribulation at the sound of the GREAT Trumpet.  (Luke 12:36) "And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when HE WILL RETURN FROM THE WEDDING; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately."  (Isaiah 11:11) "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea."  This is the time, the Day of the Lord, at the sound of the Great Trumpet that Jesus sends His angels to gather the remnant of the born-again Christians and the two Christian Witnesses.  The Day of Christ is at the sound of the 7th Trumpet, when Jesus comes at midnight to translate the born-again Christians.  Do not allow anyone to convince you that we are about to witness the second coming of Christ because it is just not true. Remember 1 Corinthians 15:46 First is Natural - last is spiritual (after the resurrection of Christ). Jesus has not yet come a first time!  
To read "The Secret World Government or Hidden Hand" go here:

For further reading:
The Thirteen Bloodlines of the counterfeit Jews: 

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  1. Beautiful and Powerful! Love thy Lord for he so loved us and died for us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our SAVIOUR. AMEN👏

    1. Thank you for your kind comment with all glory going to the Most High God for it is He who reveals His great and mighty things to us. Jesus is coming soon for His bride! Do not be deceived by any means for the MAN of Sin, the Son of Perdition, will soon be revealed on all black mirrors which are TVs, computers and smartphones which are the image of the beast for they both speak and live. He will be the complete opposite of Jesus Christ as told in Isaiah 53 for Satan turns everything upside down (Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 29:16). God Bless you and yours always!

  2. I'm so glad that someone took the time to post this link in the comment section on a YT channel I follow and try always to read every comment as well as the replies. Please send me all updates to my email. Tho I don't know who the writer/ Researcher is, I enjoyed reading all of it. May God continue to bless you and your work.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, but as led by the Holy Spirit, all glory goes to God. I have done a LOT of research and bible study to created this document and appreciate your taking the time to read same. I am Barney Fife on YT. May the Lord God continue to guide, bless, protect and watch over you always.

    2. Hey Barney.. I ran into u on the tube and I’m glad I clicked your link! So interesting and so good! I think ppl are waking up because I sure see ppl say exactly what u say.. except without the explanations and scriptures. I’m off to read son of perdition. How will we know when u do the next blog u spoke of? I reckon I’ll just check back. Thanks again! Gonna save this and study.😊

    3. Hey Bokim, so good to 'see' you! I pray you and yours are well and happy and living in the Word. I do hope you let me know how you feel about the Son of Perdition blog. I have offered to do bible studies based on historical documents and the KJV bible, but no on has taken me up on that one. :0) Let me know what blog you want to see next and I will work on same. May the Lord God continue to watch over you, guide you, bless you and protect you and yours always. Thank you for your great kindness.

  3. Thank you for your research..very eye opening.

    1. Thank you so much for reading the blog and I pray it has helped you in your studies of scriptures. God bless you and yours always. Thank you for your kindness

  4. Thank you for your kind comment. May the Lord continue to watch over you, guide you, protect you and bless you always, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

  5. I am in agreement with all that you said the Lord has been showing me all of this!! All Glory goes to God 🙌 He is everything we can do nothing without him 🙏 May the Lord bless you my brother 🙏

    1. Forgive this late reply dear friend. Thank you for your great kindness and yes, ALL glory goes to God who has shown me His great and mighty things for which I am forever grateful. John 3:27 God bless you and yours always.

  6. May God help us one and all..
    We are a people consumed by money..
    Thank you for this awe inspired work of love.. GodBlessAmerica..

    1. Because we know that that which is natural was first and that which is spiritual is last, we now know that ALL of the world has become spiritual Babylon and all the world will be judged as all the world has become drunk from the cup of fornication; think technology, Hollywood, etc.
      God bless you and yours always. thank you for your kindness

  7. Led by the Holy Spirit, all glory goes to God in the Highest for providing the words. Thank you for your kindness and great love of God's truth. May the Lord watch over you, protect you, guide you and forever bless you.

  8. If you google "What happened to the Greek gods", you will see many answers that say "they never existed". But we know better and we know who they were. Very interesting read. Thank You

  9. Goodness! The work my dear Brother, so crucial in these trying times. Product of Tim LaHaye (mentor); Campus Crusade: Briercrest on Can: & Bethany. More importantly, "the Spirit of Jesus," & all of His wondrous gifts: I Cor. 12:-14:, & Gal.5:22-23. Much Xn Love. I am a subscriber.

    1. Thank you for your kindness as the Holy Spirit led me, all glory goes to the Lord God. A LOT is going on in this fallen world today as we watch God's hand control the kingdom of men. Daniel 4:17
      God Bless you and yours always,

  10. Thank you for your time and research on this. Definitely powerful information for these critical times. God bless you.

    1. Thank you for your kindness and comments. It is greatly appreciated and I pray this has helped you in your biblical studies. As you read the prophets in the O.T., think 'spiritual' Israel and not natural land of Israel. It will open great things unto you. God Bless you and yours always.

  11. Enjoyed reading, you certainly have done a lot of research. We never hear any of these things preached in our mainline churches I go to a Methodist church here in N.Ireland. I watch JD Farag mid week prophecy updates on YouTube he is also very informative. I have also read articles in the past similar to
    what you have mentioned. Thanks again. God Bless.

    1. Yes, Pastor Farag is a wonderful pastor. That is so great that you can gain insight from same. Remember though, in Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32 and Revelation 22:18-19 God clearly tells us not to add to nor subtract from the WORDS or PROPHECY of HIS book; the KJV bible. This means that all new versions which are licensed and must be significantly different than the original are corrupt as they add to, subtract from and in many instances completely omit verses such as 1 John 5:7; the trinity. Thank you again for taking your time to read and may the Lord God continue to bless and watch over you and yours.

  12. Thank you, I have understood more by reading your research than trying to follow what is taught in church. I stopped going to my church. I talk to Jesus, even though it's quietly and in my home, I feel he hears me. I know he does. Jesus has held my hand throughout my life, without fail. I have paused often in saying my prayers, and Jesus is still with me. Reading your research confirms what I knew already. God Bless.

    1. Dear friend, I too stopped going to church because, I have found, that the Lord shows me more in His word than I have ever heard in any church; especially today. If you pray, asking God to show you His great and mighty things, He will be all too glad to do so; I know this firsthand.
      Thank you for your great kindness. I pray this finds you and yours healthy and happy and that the Lord God continue to teach you, guide you, bless you and protect you and yours always.

  13. Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just; ... Psalm 7:9

    Thank you for great, informative article!

  14. Thank you for your time in reading the blog; it is greatly appreciated. I pray it has helped you in some way or form. May the Lord God continue to bless you and yours always.

  15. Wow!!! Thank you so very much for writing all of this!!! It helped me to understand sooooooo much!!! From the bottom of my heart I thank you!!! Prayers to you and you continuing to open up those that are asleep!!! ��

    1. I forgot to ask you if after you read the blog about Ezkeiel 38 and 39, have you also read my blog about the coming MAN of Sin, the last little horn in the book of Daniel? The first little horn was Antiochus IV and he is a foreshadow of the one to come. I am seeing much of what Antiochus IV did being done today, but sadly, most Christians are being deceived and being pulled into the 'web'. Here is the link in the event you are interested in reading about the Man of Sin: Today, I am working on an ebook entitled: How to Understand the Complexities of the King James Bible and How to Understand Them:
      Significant Words and Phrases Do Not Always Mean the Same Thing in Each Verse:
      I intend to put it on Amazon; Lord willing. It is a LOT of work, but if the Lord wills it will be done.
      God bless you and thank you for your kind comment.

  16. From reading your blog am I to understand that you don't believe n the pre-trib rapture that Paul speaks of in 1stThessalonians 4:13-18.

  17. Can you send your reply to my gmail?

  18. I often feel really dumb...then I wonder.. do I really have the Holy Spirt guiding me becoz shouldn’t I be able to understand/comprehend all words/sentences? Despite having to read over and over to grasp things I am truly grateful for your research and what you have written. It will take me much time however I do grasp much of what you are saying. Thank you and God bless you and your work as a Watchman.

    1. Dear friend, I have found that by reading aloud, things become so much clearer. I read aloud the bible each day for it is faith by hearing. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with or if you have any questions or comments; whatever they may be; God Bless you always.

  19. Wow.....that was very interesting. The part where you said something about Trump merging the central banks and Federal Reserve (NESARA/GESARA) but didn't happen apparently. I remember hearing this. I can't say I agree with this 100% but it's so deep that I'd have to read it quite a few times. One question I have is about the daughter's of men and the Nephilim. How did this evil bloodline survive the flood?

    1. I just reread my response to you and see that I never really answered your question. Please accept my apologies. We know from scripture that Noah was perfect in his generations which means 'genes' which had not been corrupted as had most of humanity. Noah, his wife and sons had not had their DNA corrupted by the evil angels and giants. If you recall, Noah cursed Canaan, son of Ham. Why? It is because the wife of Ham still carried the corrupted seed of evil angels and it was through her that the genetics of evil angels and giants came back onto earth. It was through her that the giants once again arrived. All of that is in the bible in the book of Genesis. I pray this helps you to understand and if not, please let me know. God Bless you.

  20. We shall soon witness the economic reset, but be forewarned, the internet will likely go dark for about ten days. When it comes back online, it is also likely that the face we will see is that of the MAN of Sin, the Son of Perdition. He will be extremely handsome and charismatic; almost supernatural in appearance pulling people to him. Satan mimics all that Jesus does but turns it upside down (Ps. 146:9 and Isa 29:16). In Isaiah 53 we learn that Jesus was not 'comely' nor did He have any 'beauty' of body or face; He was reviled and rejected. In Isaiah 14:14 we learn how Satan wants to become like the Most High God; all knowing. This tracking technology we have today has allowed Satan to become all knowing. TVs, computers and smartphones are known, in the occult world, as 'Black Mirrors' because spirit(s) can inhabit and move freely through them; they ARE the 'image of the beast (kingdom)' for they both speak and live. The MAN of sin will be possessed by Satan - they are the 'Two Horns (powers) of a Lamb (wolves in sheep's clothing) in Rev 13:11. The last sea (of people) beast kingdom is the U.N. with its many tentacles of organizations, NGOs and corporations (merchants in the bible). The U.N. received its deadly wound as the League of Nations. The 13 bloodlines have been intermarrying for centuries. If you go re-read how the Children of Israel allowed the Edomites to mingle with them causing the Edomites to become proselytes of the flesh Jews and two fold more the children of Hell. Edom is IN Jewry today. The ashkeNAZI Jews make up the greater part of flesh Jews today. It was Stephen Wise, Chief Rabbi of the USA who said "Judaism IS Marxism". Mossad (Israel's CIA) means "by deceit make war". The book of Zechariah chapter 5 is about the Babylonian Talmud and Cabala which are the books used by the flesh Jews today; not the O.T. They hate Christians and they hate Jesus Christ which means they are Antichrist. So, why would God bless a nation which aids and abets the enemies of Jesus Christ every year with billions of dollars and weapons. Whether intentionally or not, all nations which have an agreement with Trump to rid the world of the 'deep state' is, in my eyes, a 'covenant with many'. Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) was a foreshadow of the coming MAN of sin and he is spoken of in Daniel 7. I wrote a blog about the Son of Perdition which you may read here: Reading that blog will help you to understand how Antiochus IV came in peacefully, and deceitfully; he shared his plan (devices) with the people and also shared his spoil (wealth taken from others whether it was stolen from them in the first place or not) with the middle class and poor. That is about to happen and in the next few months. This lie that the flesh Jews are the chosen ones is the delusion created to chastise and sift those Christians whom believe that lie. It is they who will go through Great Tribulation. Overcomers see through all of what is going on in this world today and I pray that after you re-read this blog and the Son of Perdition blog, you will get a greater understanding of what is to come. Let me know if you have further questions as I am here as a servant of God and I ask no donations whatsoever because all of what I have been shown by God is through the Holy Spirit. I pray the Lord continues to bless you, protect you, guide you and watch over you.

  21. Oh my friend Barney Fife please send me all the things that you study in the bible to my email - thank you to clean our eyes of babylon world - God bless you greatly

  22. I have replied to your email from
    Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this important blog. God Bless you Roberto.

  23. Hebrews 5:15-21? Perhaps a typo? Please advise about intended reference.

    With gratitude-

  24. Oh my YES! it is in error! Please forgive me. It appears I was looking at one thing and typing another. I have made corrections to that paragraph and thank you for pointing out that error to me. Oh my, I pray I have not led anyone astray over that error. I wonder just how many Christians understand that the 'woman' riding the last sea (of people) beast kingdom, the U.N. which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations, riding the last sea beast is Jerusalem which is described in detail in Revelation 17 and 18. I intend to do a KJV study on Revelation 13, 17 and 18 in the very near future. Is that something that may interest you? Let me know if you will and again, thank you very much for pointing out my error! Oh my goodness. God bless you and yours always.

  25. I was raised to have an aversion to religion. While I have never attended church except for weddings or funerals, I always talked in my head to God. I do have serval questions though. Many people quote the bible and hold high this book.
    1.How do we know if the bible is truthful or not?
    2.How do we know if it was translated into English correctly?
    3.If we are living in a matrix (which I believe due to personal experience) where does God fit in then?
    4.Sir Francis Bacon was said to have produced the KJV and he was a Freemason which means he was on the side of evil so how can we trust the KJV?
    I have downloaded your writings and read them on kindle device. I found it very interesting and yet I wonder why this horrid insanity is allowed to continue... billions have died cruelty and yet the evil grows. Hundreds, thousands of years people have suffered so much. Babies, children, teens, women and men and in their final moments of life I am sure they call for God... yet the murdering mayhem of evil continues and grows. Why does God allow such horrific things to happen? Babies have not sinned so why are they being tortured, raped, and slaughtered? I hope that you can answer my questions. My heart has been really ripped apart in this life and feeling powerless to help those in evils hands. Thank you for all your writings.

  26. THIS will be in four parts: Part one: Have you ever heard the term 'born again'? It is when we give our life over to Jesus Christ that He then sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in our heart. When I was but 12 years old, I sat with my family in church and it was a day like any other. As I sat there listening to the Pastor call for people to repent of their sins and give their life to Christ I felt a wind come through the North wall of the church and then felt 'something' land on me. I was extremely shy, hiding behind my parents if a stranger came around, and would never have gotten up in front of people, but as soon as that wind landed on me, I got up, made my way past my family, walked up that aisle and knelt down before the altar in tears. When we arrived home my Mom came into my room to ask me if I felt different. All I could do is cry. How could I ever explain to her that great love I felt and how I felt so unworthy of that great? So, to answer your question about how we can know if the King James bible is truthful or not. Let me answer by telling you that I have been reading aloud, studying and dissecting the KJV for many years. I study one word or phrase at a time, writing down every single verse containing said word or phrase. By doing so it has proven to me that scripture does in fact interpret scripture and finding that the bible is so very complex that there is no way any man's hand could have had any involvement in its words. Do you think that God, the creator of all living things, is incapable of leaving us a book to live by and to understand the truth of the old world (before the flood) and of the world in which we all now live? I can tell you, after all of my studies and hundreds of journals all indexed, that everything we need to know about this world is held in its pages; all of it. We are told in the bible that God gives man free will and it is up to every man to choose which will guide his steps: Satan or Jesus Christ.

  27. Part Two: We know from those 54 men who, for seven years, using the original old transcripts to interpret the bible that they have used the correct translation by allowing scripture to interpret scripture. There is nowhere in the bible that there are any mistakes that I have found in all of my years of bible study; none. It is man who believes the lies of Satan and devils that removes man from reading God's Living Word. If you look up the word 'matrix' in the bible, you learn that 'matrix' means 'womb'. We are born through the matrix and into this physical and temporary realm. It is the spiritual that is eternal. God is the creator of all living things in this world and in heaven and in hell; for He created them all for His pleasure. All of the reasons for His creation are held in the pages of the bible. Dear friend, it is for each man to choose which side he will live in; good or evil. We know from scriptures that there are more born of the bond woman than of the free woman. We also know that the word 'tares' means empty vessel or empty temples/hearts, not having the spirit of God and only those whom have become born again will see the Kingdom of God. There are a LOT of wicked people in this world, Satan's kingdom, (until Jesus returns) who have given themselves over to evil for fame and/or fortune; they live in the carnal and the cares of the world; thinking never of what will become of their eternal souls. Please, don't believe the lies of the devil(s) about whose hand may have corrupted the bible because it is those lies which will pull you away from the truth; the only 100% truth in this world which is the KJV Bible. YES, a LOT of people suffer at the hands of the wicked which is why the bible tells us "There is NO peace for the wicked" and "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord". It is the wicked, children of Satan and fallen angels, for they are of the seed (DNA) of evil who do evil things without remorse or repentance, just like Cain of the bible who committed the first murder; murdering his brother Abel. I can tell you that I grew up in the 50's when it was a time when people were Godly, for the most part, respecting each other. I agree that evil is on the rise and yes, there is a reason for it. People, parents especially, have stopped reading the bible, stopped worshipping God and have given in to living for the cares (things) of this world; rarely giving God a thought and that, my friend, is why we are seeing wickedness prevail and that too is why God is becoming angry for most of mankind today have turned their backs to Him...the one who gave them life.

  28. Part Three: IF you have become born again, knowing the Lord, yes, you may be saddened by all of the suffering being caused in this earth, but we do have something to rejoice about as soon there will come a great revival and many souls will be saved. God is so very merciful and longsuffering. Remember too that the born again are also Chosen before we are born. ALL things are controlled by God who gives mankind every chance to turn away from those things which He has commanded them. I have listened to many people who have died and gone to hell or heaven. Those who went to heaven and returned to tell others about it state that there are a LOT of children in Heaven. If you read Micah 3:3 you understand that the abuse, torture, sacrificing and the eating of babies and children has been going on for thousands of years. Perhaps if you began your studies as I have done to learn of God's great and mighty things, your heart will be restored and be at rest. I too have witnessed some pretty horrible things in my 70+ years and I too was greatly distressed for a time, but today, I know the truth of the bible and while I weep for the lost souls each day, knowing that if they would call on the Lord and repent of their sins God would hear from heaven and answer them, but they give Him no thought.

  29. Part Four: Have you noticed all of the natural disasters of the world lately? We are now living in the time of the first three trumpets because mankind refuses to repent and give God His glory. Give it a try to study one word or phrase at a time. You can get some free awesome software offered by Pastor Hoggard at: and it will provide you with every single verse containing said word or phrase and a lot of other information as well. PLEASE, when you read your bible, read aloud (Faith by hearing!) and it will help you to remember; I know first hand the truth of that. There is no greater happiness than to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but also know that with much wisdom comes sorrow. Get a 'Who's Who in the Bible' book too which will help you to easily look up anyone and what place they had in scriptures. There is NO greater book in this fallen world than the King James Bible; to that I can attest. If you have not read my blog about the coming MAN of sin, please do as it will show to you what to expect and just when he will be revealed; not a date but an event.
    I am currently writing an ebook to place on Amazon for a small donation for I have spent years in the making of this book and its title is: How to Understand the Complexities of the King James Bible and How to Understand Them:
    Significant Words and Phrases Do Not Always Mean the Same Thing in Each Verse: The title alone tells us a lot about the bible. If I may be of any other service to you, please feel free to let me know and with God's grace, I will do whatever it is I can do to help you. May the Lord continue to bless, watch over, guide and protect you always dear friend.
