Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Page 23

It happened because they thought "I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" but were really "wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked"; (Revelation 3:17). These were comments by Jesus Christ regarding the church of Laodecia, the church of western churchianity who thought they were dwelling safely. (Ezekiel 39:26.)
In Ezekiel 38:18 it states that Gog and company will go up 
against "the land of Israel".  We know that first comes the
natural which is the physical land of Israel and last comes
spiritual which now means that the born again, Holy Spirit 
filled, followers of Jesus Christ have become God's Land of 
Israel.  1 Corinthians 15:46 "Howbeit that was not first which 
is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that 
which is spiritual."
In Ezekiel 38:19 we learn that soon will come God's wrath for
what Gog and company have done to God's spiritual Land 
of Israel; oppression, depression, control and power. Then 
will come a great shaking in the physical Land of Israel. 
This shaking is mentioned in Revelation 6:12 which is the 
Sixth Seal and in Revelation 11:13 which is the very same 
earthquake. In Revelation 11:13 it tells us that a tenth of the
city of Jerusalem will fall; this is the sixth trumpet. This is 

also the time when Jesus will destroy Jerusalem as it now 

exists.  The chapters of Revelation become intertwined at 

this point in the book of Revelation.  We also know that the

first four or five seals have already been unsealed.  I will be 

creating a new blog about the revelation of the time of 

tribulation and great tribulation.

In Isaiah 34:5-15 we learn that God's "sword shall be bathed

in heaven, behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and 

upon the people of my curse".  We know that Idumea is 

Greek for Edom and it is the Edomites whom now inhabit 

most of the physical land of Israel.

In Isaiah 65:11-20 these verses regard those whom have

forsaken the Lord which are those who call themselves

Jews.  God points out how He called but they would not

answer and when He spake, they would not hear.  In verse 

fifteen we are told that His children will be called by another 

name which are today known as Christians. (See also Isaiah 


So, we must ask ourselves then; is being Jewish a religion 

or a people?  It cannot be both.  Those who call themselves 

Christians can be Jewish or Irish or Russian or Chinese and 

so on, but one cannot also believe in the books of the Jews

which are not the inspired word of God and be Christian as 

well.  We cannot have it both ways.  One either is born 

again, having the Holy Spirit and be a follower of Jesus 

Christ or is not.  There is nothing we can say or do to be 

saved by grace which is faith in Jesus Christ.  It is only by 

faith alone in which we are saved.  The traditions of men 

have no effect whatsoever when it comes to being a born

again Christian.

Thankfully, when Jesus Christ, the bridegroom, comes for 

the body of the church, every eye will see Him and every 

knee will bow.  It will be at that time that a great revival will 

come and many of those in the Land of Israel will turn to 

Jesus Christ. 

Who is it that says "Jesus was born of a whore" and Jesus "is

even now in hell suffering eternally in boiling excrement"?  It 

is those who live by the Talmud.  It is an absolute deception 

to think that the little antichrist state in the middle-east is the

Israel of God.  To believe that is an absolute deception of 

Satan/Gog.  Edom is in the land of Israel and has assumed 

the names of Judah/Jew and Israel just as the Prophet 

Ezekiel predicted, by the Holy Spirit, that they would do so.


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